By: Judd Garrett
Those With Short Attention Spans love telling us we’re evil for using fossil fuels; but the two biggest users are excluded, shipping and militaries.
Many people like to believe they matter much more than they do. Many people like to believe that people matter much more than they do. We are just along for the ride folks. This planet will survive for what we can consider, forever.
Water vapor also absorbs IR energy like CO2 and methane gas, but it is never mentioned.
CO2 feeds all the plant life and increases the growth and number.
It is around 400 parts per million, and if decreased to 150 ppm, all plant life would die along with all animal and human life.
We like Objectivism and your AR quote is one of our favorites.
As our name implies (and our work makes clear) we are a place where green platitudes, greenwashing and detachment from reality get exposed.
Thank you. Well expressed!
Those With Short Attention Spans love telling us we’re evil for using fossil fuels; but the two biggest users are excluded, shipping and militaries.
Many people like to believe they matter much more than they do. Many people like to believe that people matter much more than they do. We are just along for the ride folks. This planet will survive for what we can consider, forever.
Water vapor also absorbs IR energy like CO2 and methane gas, but it is never mentioned.
CO2 feeds all the plant life and increases the growth and number.
It is around 400 parts per million, and if decreased to 150 ppm, all plant life would die along with all animal and human life.
We like Objectivism and your AR quote is one of our favorites.
As our name implies (and our work makes clear) we are a place where green platitudes, greenwashing and detachment from reality get exposed.
Thank you. Well expressed!